วันศุกร์ที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Basic Skills Management - What makes a good manager?

basic management skills necessary to lead to a small business. Some entrepreneurs believe that against the top management is very important. In fact, you should be able to lead and manage both.

What makes a good manager? There are some styles of business management and the ability to focus, in particular for small enterprises. If you are the owner or operator of a small company, it is important to understand what these basic management skills and try to take them intoTheir behavior. Why? Because some competencies are more effective than others and why some designs are involved employees, while others may dis-engage.

Management Skills

business management skills such as planning, decision making, problem solving, control and direction, and measurement and communication are necessary for daily operation.
Basic Skills Management - What makes a good manager?

With their small business plan, effective manager of business operations. Communications, benchmarking, monitoring and measurement are tactical andStrategies, using them to check their direction to adjust the plan (if necessary) and move the business. good managers take action to attain the desired results, and manage people and resources to get where they want to go.

Understanding what makes a good manager, you understand what the motivation of employees. How to build an environment and a culture that encourages employees to participate? How to increase employee productivity and employee satisfaction;at the same time? How to recruit the best talent, and maintained? How to train employees to solve problems to make decisions and involve others in the process? These are just some of the challenges and responsibilities of management.

As a manager you have to understand what are the common styles of management (autocratic, paternalistic, democratic and liabilities are the most common species). And you understand what your style is needed, and how it affects business styleResults.

Four Business Management Styles:

Autocratic: The manager makes all the decisions a "command and control" (military) management style. The focus will be on business, not personal "stuff" get in your way. The advantage is that decisions are made quickly. The cost is high staff turn-over in the search for a personal style difficult and stressful.
Paternalistic: The manager makes all the decisions (or most of them), but concentrates on what is best for employees. Benefitsis that employees feel the company cares for them. The cost is not to accept the staff for companies - not to be involved and have few risks.
Democrats: the manager will focus input from the entire "team" and the necessary majority. Often the best decisions are made and employees are involved in the economy (the benefits of this style), but the process is very slow and can not always please everyone.
Liabilities: The manager thanked responsibility to employees, and calls themDelegation. The advantage is that employees often come out and learn in this environment. The cost is that the direction is random and there may be a series of false starts, because there is a real manager.

Agencies typically use more than one style, depending on the situation. When brainstorming new creative product ideas is the focus of today, the operator who uses a democratic style or passive. If a decision must be made on keeping or firing an employee's unsatisfactory,Manager may have an autocratic or paternalistic style (hopefully not a democratic style or passive) to use.

In most small businesses is the entrepreneur and the manager and leader. In your company, make sure you have a good understanding of your business management styles, skills and qualities and learn to control it and use it as needed.

Basic Skills Management - What makes a good manager?

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